Flair's Innovative and Sustainable Approach


In recent years, sustainability has become a keyword in the daily life of each of us, both as people and consumers, but it also became the heart-beating activity of many brands’ core strategies. 

Nowadays, people have become more environmentally conscious, paying more attention to the little daily actions that can leave a positive footprint, such as consuming organic and local food, opting for public transport instead of driving a car to work, or maybe shopping for sustainable clothes. 

And I am also sure that at least once in life each of us has wondered where our food and garments come from, as well as tried to direct our purchasing decisions in the interest of a cleaner and healthier environment.

What does it mean to buy sustainable clothing?

Sustainable fashion is all about paying attention to the quality of our garments and their manufacturing processes. It also means taking responsibility for our own daily clothing choices, buying less and purchasing clothes that last longer.

If you have already come across Flair Copenhagen 100% silk garments, or if you have just read a few blogs under the recommendation of a good friend, then you probably know what I am talking about. 

Flair puts sustainability at the centre of its production process, realising each garment in Europe with the aim of avoiding the emissions of shipments abroad.

Flair’s limited-edition approach

But it is not over! We use leftover textile from large fashion industries in Italy to produce our timeless garments, such as the shiny silk robes, shirts and the new silk and viscose jumpsuits created in collaboration with the great sustainability ambassador Saszeline.

And we can proudly say that this production process has allowed us to contribute in the reduction of a great amount of fabric waste.


The application of this “zero waste” approach might sound a bit hard to believe at the beginning, especially because we all know that one of the biggest issues in fast fashion industries is the huge accumulation of unsold garments in their warehouses. 

However, producing sustainable apparel is not as impossible as you might think. Based on a completely different approach, Flair produces limited edition collection to always guarantee an empty stock… as a matter of fact, we don’t even have one! 

This sustainable way of production results in a great variety of colours within our collections and customised models.

And yes … It is true that the limited-edition approach implies that your order may not be delivered at your house in four or five days - as the huge fast fashion companies have got us used to. But it is certainly worth waiting a little longer when it comes to garments made with long-lasting quality material that is also environmental-friendly!

By Elisa Laderchi

Elisa Laderchi